Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Keith Yamashita, "Fifteen Things Charles and Ray Teach Us", december 1999: tip #1

While Charles and Ray Eames didn't write this book (*) themselves, Keith Yamashita has managed to capture their spirit on the pages of this little treasure. It's almost as if you had Charles and Ray as your personal design coach. The book makes the assumption that you know something about their work, but even if you don't you can still gain from the advice (and if nothing else it's a great starting point to research their work). While I like to see pictures in a book aimed at designers, the few words speak volumes. The tips have a very zen like quality, for example tip number 2 is "Notice the ordinary." This book would make a great gift for any creative friend you have, or if you find yourself in a rut!
(*) This book is out of stock

(to be continued)